Saturday, March 21, 2009

Attempted Robbery

So last Friday night someone apparently tried to break into the pharmacy. What a wonderful world we live in huh? Im guessing the fools that tried to get in didnt realize that what they were trying to get through was bullet proof. They just kept chucking huge rocks at the window....didnt even come close to getting through the bullet proof stuff. (That first pane is just regular glass) An old co-worker of mine, who is now in Pharmacy school in Atlanta just told me she was robbed at gun point in the pharmacy last month. And another store in Chandler this week was robbed at gun point, luckily the police showed up and after a chase arrested the dudes. I feel like its only a matter of time before my store gets robbed. Ive now had 2 coworkers get robbed at gun point in the pharmacy, and my sister had one too when she worked at walgreens. Thank goodness she wasnt working that day.


Jonny and Brittany said...

SCARY!!! Glad you haven't had anything like that happen while you were working!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'm glad the only damages that happened here were minimal, and those robbers got a lesson instead. It just proves how much essential it is to cover all your bases when it comes to your security. Apart from bullet proof windows, perhaps it's also better if you get an alarm system for your pharmacy. A good alarm system would also alert the authorities if a break-in ever happened, or if it was even attempted at all.

Access Security Corporation